

Game Finisher!!! One of my post workout favorites: My GREEN HULK SMOOTHIE: γ€°

Makes approximately two 24oz glasses. γ€°
1. Kale, 1 cup worth.
2. Baby spinach, 1 cup worth.
3. Cucumbers, 1 medium peeled.
4. Celery, 2 stalks.
5. Green apple, half seeded.
6. Ginger root, shaved slices to taste.
7. Pineapple juice, freshly squeezed (ideal), 1 cup.
8. Coconut flakes, 1/4 cup.
9. Water, 3 cups.
10. Ice cubes, 1 cup.
11. Vanilla Whey Protein, 25-30g (Optional). γ€°

Delicious, nutritious & fulfilling! A great snack, meal replacement or post workout smoothie. πŸ˜‹


Monday’s Exercise: 150 REP ROUTINE 4 STRONGER ABS! γ€°

50x Russian twists w/Medicine ball
20x Bicycle Crunches
20x Spider-Man Plank Crunch
20x V-ups
20x Swiss Ball Roll Outs (on knees)
20x Hanging Leg Raises (left-center-right combo). γ€°

Beginner: 1-2 sets
Intermediate: 3-4 sets
Advanced: 5 sets γ€°

Winter flab?!!! I don’t think soooo!!! WORKKK! πŸ’ͺ #BuildABetterBody #FitLife #Abs #Workout #Training #Core



#TeamThickFitChix …#SoftServe.🍦

Prior to my weight training obsession and understanding of specific dieting I carried a softer figure. I’ve read comments from those asking why I started lifting weights when I already had a ‘feminine & curvy’ body, one comment even read “I don’t get it. Your body was already perfect, why would you ruin it with heavy weight trainin?? Leave all dat to men!” — These types of questions and statements suggest I wasn’t happy with my physique …not true. I have never shamed myself for having curves, or calling myself out for having a bad body. What these people lacked is acknowledging that I had my own personal goals!!! πŸ’ͺ

Ladies, never be swayed by what others want or expect of you! YOUR BODY, YOUR GOALS, YOUR CALL!!! πŸ˜‰

#OwnIt #TeamThickFitChix #PolynesianBlack #PreWeightTraining #Circ2011



I HAD A BLAST!!! DMV, it was short lived but time well spent! BIGGGG SHOUT OUT TO @LETSGETMADE!!! The homie Mac, Uri and Jamil made filming so much fun! Y’all know I’m not big on these S4S but the #LETSGETMADE is undeniably the most motivating IG account I follow. πŸ‘Œ

You gotto check out their movement! Real athletes from various platforms, bold, impacting quotes, a crisp & visually aesthetic collection of images that will keep you prowling at the gym! They’ll have photos & video to share soon, follow and stay tuned! πŸ’ͺ



GET EXCITED!!! #3Loves: I ❀️ working out, I ❀️ vacationing and I ❀️ meeting with those that I’ve been so blessed to inspire!!! πŸ™Œ

So with that said my fellow fit-sistas and I are piecing together a fun-fit getaway to CANCUN, Mexico #DestinationFitTrip!!! β˜€οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈ – Details to follow but just know the agenda will no doubt consist of excessive sweating, ab curling laughter, amateur photo shoots rollin’ around in the sand 😭 and if they give me a mic it might just turn into a concert! πŸ˜‚ #LetMeLive πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜œπŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ – ok no seriously, very excited about this one. We’ll share details as soon as we can, stay tuned and follow these beautiful ladies who share the same passion & enthusiasm as I! πŸ‘‰ @deannajefferson @getfitwithnic_ @wrkoutqueenie πŸ’ƒ

#NYC #MIA #DC #LA UNITE! πŸ‘ #Fitspirations #GetPersonal #FunFitness #Conversations #BaywatchMoments 😭


Today’s Weigh In



Today’s weigh in: 163lbs/74kgs – πŸ™ˆ

Hmm, so I’m down in body fat but evidently gained a little muscle. Sometimes it’s as if I just think the word muscle & I grow it! #GiftAndCurse 😏

I’ve gained 8lbs in 12days but feel leaner. Standing at 5’5 the charts, pies & graphs are telling me I’m absolutely overweight & at risk for a list of health issues, smh but I ain’t hearing it. #KissMy (_|_) 😌

I’m feeling stronger & running longer distances with more ease (increased my cardio endurance for sure!) so it’s time to change up the resistance training regime. No more heavy lifting (not that I was doing much of it 😳) instead I’ll switch it out for moderate-light weight at much higher reps. I’m not insecure about my weight, more concerned with feeling comfortable and I simply don’t want to carry too much more. If the scale exceeds 165+ I’m calling the WWF 😝

All this to say, tell your scales to kick rocks – Don’t let a scale reading fault your efforts, keep your chin high and adjust your approach as needed – BASED ON YOUR SPECIFIC GOALS. Also pay attention to how you feel, we often neglect what our bodies are trying to tell us because we’re more concerned with dropping 10lbs as quickly as possible! We also forget other contributing factors like, muscle weighing more than fat, nutrition, stress…etc. Focus more on building strong, capable bodies for health, strength & for yourself! ❀️πŸ’ͺ

#AintAfraidOfTheScale #PolyProud #Genetics #BlackGirlsRock #Body #Strength #Health #FitChix #FitLife